
Andheri – Hilfe Bonn e.V - Germany

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

Caritas India : The joy of service - Delhi.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) - Ernakulam.

Community Aid Sponsorship Program (CASP) - Kalamassery

Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd - Cochin.

Generalaat Societeit van J.M.J - Netherlands

Housing Development Finance Corporation - Cochin

Italian Bishops Conference - Italy

Kerala State Housing Board - Thrissur

Kindermissionswerk - Germany

Kolpingsfamilie Unterfohring - Germany

Manos Unidas : Campaña Contra El Hambre - Spain

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment - Delhi

MISEREOR - Germany

Missionery Sisters of St. Peter Claver - Italy

Rajagiri College of Social sciences Kalamassery - Cochin

Raskob Foundation - USA

Save a Family Plan (India) - Aiswaryagram

SELAVIP : Latin American, African and Asian Social Housing Service - Tokyo

Stichting Liliane Fonds - Netherlands

Unione Medico Missionaria Italiana

Verband Der Diozesen Deutschlands - Germany

Life Insurance Corporation of India - Ernakulam

Syro Malabar Cultural Association - Kuwait

United India Insurance Company Ltd - Thrippunithura

Kerala Agriculture University - Mannuthy

Department of Kerala Animal Husbandry

Department of Kerala Education

CSR - South Indian Bank - Thrissur

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development - (NABAARD)

Jalanidhi - Kerala Rural water Supply and Sanitation Agency

Kerala State Backward Classes Development Corporation - (KSBCDC)

Kerala Social service Forum - (KSSF)

Federal Ashwas Financial Literacy Centres

Bank of India

The Catholic Health Association Of India (CHAI-LF)

Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) - Thiruvananthapuram